Increase financial flexibility and improve relationships with suppliers

Building sustainable supplier relationships is a key component of a healthy and profitable supply chain. It’s also an important step in building a long-term competitive advantage within the marketplace. By injecting your excess capital to your supply chain, you strengthen your suppliers and become their customer of choice.


Create an offer for suppliers

Quickly and easily create offers within the Transcepta Platform. Define terms such as a threshold for available cash and a specific date range, then specify the group of suppliers that are eligible to participate in early payment program.


Suppliers accept the new payment terms

Suppliers have the choice to accept offers individually or all offers that meet their defined requirements.


Earn risk-free returns

The Transcepta Platform automates the entire program. By investing your surplus cash, you increase profit with no risk to your bottom line.

Increase profit with untapped discounts

Leverage Transcepta Supplier Finance to put your excess cash to work. Build strong relationships with suppliers and increase profit.